WFSQ Tallahassee and WFSL Thomasville are currently operating at reduced power during an upgrade of broadcast equipment. Work continues on WFSU-TV's broadcast equipment. Our expected full-power on air date using the new TV transmitter, line, and antenna is May 31st, 2024. We appreciate your patience during this interruption.

Voices that Inspire

Hear stories from some of our most inspirational voices — you!

Pictured: Maverick Gunn

Listen: Week of March 19, 2020

Maverick Gunn - I Am Not Afraid Of A Challenge

Florida High senior Maverick Gunn has loved basketball since elementary school. He loves the teamwork aspect of it. His inspiration is his little sister who has autism. They work together to push each other. He plans to go to FAMU to study pharmacy so that he can fulfill his desire to help people.

Tell your inspirational story. Contact Kim Kelling at 850-645-6056 or